Poor first impression
25 August 2022
This isn't bad I just don't like the premise and who they made the hulk into; he went from being one of the most feared, unpredictable and strongest in the mcu to now being a laughing stock. And in she-hulk, based on the first episode at least, it feels like they're trying to tick off boxes while they're at it. I'd like to see the chaos that'd unfold if Marvel or DC changed or brought a male version of a renowned female hero like Wonder Woman or a Valkyrie. All hulk is used for here is being trashed to pump up she-hulk, and he's been kept as "smart hulk" for such a long time even though it's short lived in the comics. Like really hulk couldn't stop a car that's not even coming at speed, really?! Anyway, if you wanna make a strong female hero, just simply make her strong. I feel like it's more credible to see her kicking butt and people liking that. If you have to degrade somebody in order to pump up a someone it takes it away. Just create a bad^ss character instead like Captain marvel, Katniss Everdeen in 'The Hunger Games', Letty Ortiz in 'Fast and furious', Lara Croft, or kill bill. You don't have to make her Mary Sue.

As for the show itself it's not bad as I said, nothing particularly stands out or makes it promising. It's a lighthearted, nothing dramatic or intellectual with the story yet, and a lot of comedic bits but nothing that feels new. I think the runtime is great 'cause not much really happened in the episode so I feel like an hour would be a drag. It's very upbeat. Disney could do much better than this but it's not the first time I've been disappointed by a Disney marvel production.

It's just pushing agenda instead of focusing on the superhero aspect of it and I suspect a lot of people are going to hate it for that, and those who love it will probably go 'oh you boys can't handle a strong female lead' or empowerment bla bla bla to defend it. There's nothing to make it feel special, it's not really funny, not really dramatic, plot's not really staggering, not really thrilling; and it's not really bad neither is it really good. Just have to wait.

I'll wait a few episodes to rate but I don't see the vibe of the show changing. 5/10 so far.

Updates: Three episodes in and nothing's changed.
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