Freshwater (2016)
Below, below average, but the setting was nice to look at
26 August 2022
I will always give props to a bad movie that has the decency to be properly filmed outdoors, in a beautiful scenery. The CGI is very, very bad though mercifully has very short screentime.

Now for all the negatives, which include every other aspect of this production. The acting was very bad. Every character allegedly "went to high school together." However, two of them look much older than the rest, and one of which does not sound like she went to high school in America (thick Russian accent.) There were multiple scenes when a group of "teens" is meant to be reacting to the same horrific scene. In each of them, one of the "teens" can be seen just looking around, or giggling.

The writing, of course is terrible, but that is to be expected with bad movies. What was much more unexpected was the AWFUL score and sound mixing in general. Music was incorporated into the movie with the skill, tact and volume control of a nephew DJing a wedding because it was free. The musical score gave strong "Murder She Wrote end of the episode chase" vibes. The composer should be legally prevented from making future scores.

One of the other reviews mentioned feeling bad for Zoe Bell, but given that she is the executive producer, not just playing the smartest, toughest, coolest scientist this side of the Mississippi, I don't feel too bad for her.

The movie was bad, but it never made me angry at it for being bad. It was quaintly bad. Michael St. Michaels was great. The thought of having him writhe on a deck in the happy baby pose, before the gator was CGIed in was priceless. The twist ending was also very, very funny to me, so that gets this movie a couple extra stars. I wouldn't chose to watch this again, but I also wouldn't leave the room if it was on.
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