Great Acting. Decent Directing. Story was OK.
29 August 2022
I watched this because British acting is innately superb, and Alastair Sim is an actor I enjoy watching.

Here's my breakdown:

STORY: The story is interesting and somewhat creative, and includes many of the salacious ingredients for a murder mystery.

The trouble with the story, as with most British stories, is the lumbering pace and the emphasis on long winded dialogue.

It still has some nice twists, but the time and script to get to those is long and tedious.

My only story misfire was the manner and timing of the inspector's arrival. Maybe you won't mind.

ACTING: Historically, British acting trounces all others, and the whole cast here demonstrates why I stand on that statement. They were believable, professional, and they ensured viewer immersion even when directing or story failed to rise to the acting talent.

While there are excellent performances, it's Sim that drew me to the film and he didn't disappoint. Sim tended to play out the same persona repeatedly, but his range capacity was wide and quick when required (even mid-story). Yes, it's likely that casting directors probably sought him out for roles that fit his persona (what in America we call "acting"). But if you follow his films you can see his ability to swing his character wherever required, e.g. "A Christmas Carol" (1951).

ENTERTAINMENT: Moderate value if you have the patience


CINEMATOGRAPHY: Not great, and the "outdoor" sets are glaring obvious ... this is one of the film's weakest traits


DIRECTING / WRITING: Director: Gilliat was a writer first (78) and a director second (14), and he co-wrote this screenplay. Of his combined works, this was just OK. It's better than his "Jamaica Inn" (1939) but doesn't hold a candle to "The Lady Vanishes" (1938), both directed by Hitchcock.

Writers: Gurney, the co-writer, only wrote two screenplays. This was his 2nd and the year he died, so it's very hard to assess from only two films.

Is it a good film? Yes, but slow

Should you watch this once? Yes

Rating: 7.3.
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