Things go from bad to worse in this delightfully ridiculous family comedy.
7 September 2022
This is another entry in the live action comic Blondie...with Blondie, Dagwood, Daisy, etc!

"My Dagwood is pretty smart"-Blondie.

This entry of Blondie is all about their class reunion. Due to a misunderstanding Dagwood is on the hook for paying for the reunion dinner for forty plus guests. At first with his raise it might be possible...but then he looses his job while trying to learn about horse betting. Blondie is making hats...but will this be enough? This is all about pride and his classmates not thinking he will amount to much. Apparently, plucky Blondie told them all they were wrong and that he would be a huge success! That incident is powering them on...to their demise.

Breezy and funny like all Blondie entries...if you are a fan, you will not want to miss this one.
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