Royal Hearts (2018 TV Movie)
Kingdom of lovw
13 September 2022
Hallmark have done a lot of royal-themed films and the quality of them has really varied. Some being surprisingly good, some watchable if rather average and some really bad. Have watched many Hallmark films with very mixed expectations prior to watching and 2018's 'Royal Hearts' was one of those. James Brolin is always worth watching and is one of those actors who has been in a lot of mediocre at best stuff but has always made the most of what he's given. Have yet to properly warm to Cindy Busby.

'Royal Hearts' is one of the watchable if average royal-themed Hallmark films, though it is only down to a couple of the good things being so good that it is at that standard. If they weren't as good as they were, 'Royal Hearts' in my mind would have actually been pretty weak because the worst of the flaws do not come off well at all. Hallmark has certainly done far worse before and particularly since, but they have also done much better (including from 2018).

The best thing about 'Royal Hearts' is Brolin, who is completely endearing, fun to watch and very refreshing as by far the most interesting character in the film and seemed to really enjoy doing the film. Doing so without being too dominant. Also really liked the production values, especially the pretty gorgeous scenery.

Did find some of the music pleasant. Brolin's character was the one with the most life and the only really interesting one, due to him being the only one to not feel too stock or much typical Hallmark cliche level.

Cannot say the same for the rest of the cast. Some have praised Busby, but this reviewer has to disagree respectfully and sadly. She does have some moments of genuine charm and she doesn't phone in, but on the whole she came over as too affected and over eager. Didn't care for her character either, dishonesty and manipulation are really not appealing traits and they are overdone here and it didn't feel like she learned from her mistakes. Andrew Cooper is bland and forgettable in a milk toast-like role, while also going a little too far on the arrogance. Of the characters, only Brolin's interests or endears.

On the whole, the chemistry was not convincing. There are moments with Busby and Brolin but the romantic relationship is really underdeveloped, to the point that it feels like there wasn't one in the first place. The script is often really cheesy, with more howlers and groaners than one can count, and quite stilted. The story is hackneyed and formulaic, with no surprises at all and a lot of ridiculousness. Looking at the plot summary, it looks like the film tries to do something different but anything that sounds different is very conventional Hallmark in execution. All of the faults mentioned can be found in the first 15 minutes alone.

In summary, thank goodness for Brolin being as good as he was because the terrible writing for Busby's character and the every bit as poorly written story would have been a chore if he wasn't there. Watchable but very average and nothing special. 5/10.
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