The Power of Disinformation
13 September 2022
You heard it directly from Roger Stone, he learnt the power of disinformation. If you spread lies and peddle false truths, a number of people will fall for it. We now live in the age of disinformation. 'Social' media is facilitating immediate access to all kinds of information. Back in the day the flow of information was controlled. You had a few mediums and reputable sources got their message out. Not anymore.

Roger Stone was an opportunist who capitalised on people's ignorance and naivety. I had no idea he played a major role in the lobbyist movement which has been so harmful for US politics. Stone showed the scary role he has played in Al Gore's defeat in Florida during the 2000 election and helping elect Trump as president. Again he used the power of disinformation. But in the digital age he was able to peddle all kinds of disinformation to a huge amount of people. Stone has no conscience. He wants to win at any cost, even if its lies through and through. He loves chaos and wanted to disrupt the apple cart. Netflix has produced another decent documentary about a despicable person. Netflix shows that the world would be a much better place without Roger Stone and people like him.
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