Review of Jet Storm

Jet Storm (1959)
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be in my top three most absurdly ridiculous aviation fillms ever! For openers, ever notice how airliner cockpits in1950's genre movies are as big as the passenger cabin? When the copilot goes to introduce the new Stewardess to the flight crew, it's, "this is the captain, The engineer, the radio man, the navigator...I was waiting for a few more personel, like, "this is the cockpit ventriloquist, our airborn clown (beep-beep) and magician"! Good grief, how many crew members does it take to fly over the Atlantic from London to New York? Secondly, the cabin is as big as a penthouse suite at the Waldorf, yet there's only ONE ROW of windows from the outside. The baggage bay is apparently accessible from the cabin, and not only lighted, but pressurized and big enough to walk around in! As other reviewers have noted, WHY are they boarding a SOVIET Tu-104 in London, which later morphs into at least two other kinds of planes? MOST absurdly, when it is discovered that a nut has planted a bomb somewhere on the plane, does the flight crew do the logical safety minded thing and DESCEND to a safe altitude and immediately divert to an alternate landing sight? OF COURSE NOT! They remain at 40'000 feet and contine out over the Atlantic! Do they secure the threatening passenger? OF COURSE NOT! All they had to do was tie his hands behind his back, and he would not have been able to press the button on the detonator! In the struggle that ensues during the flight, the windows are shown to be HIGHLY FRAGILE and easily knocked out-(remind me never to tap on them with my finger in the future!). When the captain is ascertaining that Tilley has indeed placed a bomb on board, it's accomplished in the lower level lounge with about three or four alcohol-swilling passengers within easy earshot-this would make a great TSA training film for how to create UTTER PANDEMONIUM on an airliner in mid-flight! I realize this was intended as a serious character study type movie, but the absurdities of the situation destroy any hopes of believability! It would have worked much better if the setting had been a cruise ship instead of an airliner.
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