Not same quality as Narcos but watchable
15 September 2022
For fans of the two original Narcos series on Netflix, Narcos Colombia and Mexico, this series doesn't hold up well to those other Narcos shows. Not saying to skip it. But lower your expectations as the writing isn't nearly as good as the rest of the Narcos tv shows. Neither is the character development. The dialog is cringy in that Asian mobster/gang kind a way we have seen in many other films. The characters just don't talk how people would in real life. The preacher's dialog is particularly annoying with his terrible incorrect biblical references. Even the sole American DEA agent's dialog is cringy. The Suriname extras don't have much dialog in the film or acting. So very little of the Suriname people are really known except some superficial demographic stats about the country.

Nevertheless, it is a fine if watched with expectations that are tempered down from what we are normally used to with the Narcos series. The show does get better around ep5 and ep6. I thought the climax was pretty good with a lot of action and fast paced action. But for ep1 through ep 4, expect the typical Asian kingpins and their army of robotic like pawns duke it out with hatchets and guns. The fighting action is decent, they do sneak in martial arts into it. I think its passable with a 6/10 mostly because the show gets more interesting in those two last episodes.
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