Pulsebeat (1985)
Enjoyable Mess
18 September 2022
This movie is kind of a throwback to those old movies from the 30's and 40's where a bunch of underdogs need to put on a "show" to "save" the farm, clubhouse, theater, apartment building, beloved local business, etc., except this one was trying to cash in on the aerobics fad that had been gaining popularity around the time of release. The plot is pure fantasy / nonsense, and the film is plagued by some of the most godawful synth-pop I've ever heard in my life. It's pretty bad, but bad enough to fall into the so bad it's good category, so it's worth checking out if you're into that and, honestly, I can't think of any other reason someone would want to watch it at this point in time. One point of interest is that this is the only time I ever saw a straight guy wearing those leggings thingies that were in vogue during the early eighties and, to this day, I still have no idea what purpose those things served. Like you only needed to keep your ankles and shins warm and everything else was fine? Extra heat on the ankles and shins helped you burn more fat? For some strange reason that fashion fad never made it back.
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