Great gem from early cinema history
29 September 2022
From the Manger to the Cross (1912) directed by Sidney Olcott is a great film from the early days of cinema history. Apart from the old ways of film making, it is actually a very focused depiction of the life of Jesus and still entertaining despite it being one of cinema's earliest films.

It is a classic account of the life of Jesus Christ, based on the books of the New Testament: After Jesus' birth is foretold to his parents, he is born in Bethlehem, and is visited by shepherds and wise men. After a stay in Egypt to avoid King Herod, his family settles in Nazareth. After years of preparation, Jesus gathers together a group of disciples, and then begins to speak publicly and to perform miracles, inspiring hope in many of his listeners, but also arousing some dangerous opposition.

Highly recommended for film enthusiasts and fans of cinema history.
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