Fools' Parade (1971)
Cute part for Stewart
4 October 2022
When James Stewart, Strother Martin, and Kurt Russell are released from prison, they decide to go straight. Jimmy has been in prison for forty years, and for his time, he's received $25,000. He and his two friends are planning on opening up a grocery store and enjoying a legitimate life. But George Kennedy, the crooked prison guard who never liked Jimmy, wants that money for himself. He and his cronies follow the three ex-cons as they travel by train to cash the check in the bank that issued it.

Fool's Parade features a really fun role for James Stewart. He wore a prosthetic glass eye during the production (which was so uncomfortable he could only wear it for twenty minutes at a time) and got to play a bit of a villain. In my favorite scene, he straps himself with dozens of dynamite sticks and threatens to blow up the bank if they don't cash the check. He's a scoundrel, but for the right reasons. He really does want to open up a grocery store. George Kennedy is the real villain in the film, even though he's usually such a likable fellow. I'd recommend this oddball comedy if you want to see Jimmy in a different type of role. Keep an eye out for an unrecognizable Anne Baxter. I didn't know it was her until the end credits!
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