11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Brown family needs to move out of the family homestead in Georgia for economic reasons. They got a good offer on the house. The property has been in the family for generations. Champ (Luke Loveless) has three close friends he is going to miss. He goes walking out in the woods and rests under an overturned tree only to see a skeleton. Not one of those partially decayed bodies with the bones strewn about, but something that is whole like a prop from Edmund Scientific. There is also a compass and a journal. Champ and his friends go on a treasure hunt in hopes of keeping from having to move. They end up in 1828 which is farther back in time than mom allows.

This was a good family film. It was slightly hokey as most family films have become, but not unwatchable. They claimed Jenny was the smart one, but he thinking ability was not used.
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