Burial (II) (2022)
But why?...
11 October 2022
Stumbling upon the 2022 war thriller "Burial", and never having heard about it, of course I had to sit down and watch what writer and director Ben Parker had to offer. I didn't even read the movie's synopsis, so I literally didn't know what I was in for here.

And while the movie was watchable enough for what it turned out to be, then I can't claim that "Burial" was a movie that I took away much enjoyment or entertainment from. The storyline just felt somewhat bland and also somewhat pointless really. Sure, there were interesting concepts here, but the overall viewing experience of writer and director Ben Parker's war thriller just didn't cut it for my liking.

I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble here, but I will say that the actors and actresses managed to put on good enough performances, despite the fact of having a subpar script, characters and storyline to work with.

Visually then "Burial" had a good enough World War II feel to it, however you're not going to find yourself in for a visual tour de force if you sit down to watch this particular movie.

The fact that everyone was speaking English just didn't really work for me. Sure, I get that it is for a more easy viewing experience and to get out to a larger audience, but it just takes away from the authenticity of a movie set in a non-English speaking environment.

While I managed to sit through the entire 95 minutes, then I was only slightly entertained. This is not a movie that you will find me recommending people to rush out and get to watch. Nor is it a movie that I will ever sit down to watch for a second time.

My rating of "Burial" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
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