Finally something truly different!
13 October 2022
From the opening scene you can tell this is not going to be like any Halloween movie before it, and as the movie goes on you wonder if this is part of the same trilogy, considering how different it feels.

That's not a bad thing though - this finally treads new ground in the series that has been around for over 40 years, and you truly don't know how it's going to play out over the course of its runtime. It's nice to see a Halloween movie that isn't just a set up for most of the characters to be murdered - while there is still some of that here it's not the focus.

While the story is compelling and the acting excellent, the direction feels...off. It's like an inexperienced film student has put it together, such is the random execution of the scenes and story, and some of the characters actions just don't ring true as a result.

When the ending comes around it's done well and is very visceral, but it feels somewhat of an anticlimax after the journey we've gone through in this movie alone, to say nothing about all the movies that came before it.

While this is easily the best of this new trilogy, it's a shame it couldn't have been executed better, but it is a somewhat satisfying end to this chapter in the Halloween saga.
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