The Accursed (2022)
a terrible...
17 October 2022
Title for an incoherently edited and very foggishly plotted movie about a witch and another witch and further more witches with eyes white out every 2nd time theyre displayed on the screen...

its also a friendly movie about friends youre maybe not supposed to believe in, made in a way so youre blinded by the beauty of the pool of mostly and with a few exceptions from the tv screen movie production. So if you wanna spend your lifetime on nonsense over the fence chitty chatting about the cursed woman or women in the bottom of the culdesac deep in the dark woods then go, for real worry seekers its a sinking ship full of moderated content so dive in and swim as a shark to avoid the sucking maelstroem dragging you down into nothingness.

Had there just been some blood and gore in there, thinks the grumpy old man, it might have been worth this written review...
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