Misleading bio points to Gay love story, which it ain't.
21 October 2022
Reading through some of the suspiciously high ratings here does reveal a theme of trying to paint this film as arthouse surrealism with nuanced and hidden messaging but it seems to be rather insulting to intelligent audiences and it may work with some but the majority will see it for what it is, a badly written and badly directed project which is redeemed in part by a good lead actor and beautiful location. All of which cannot however, redeem the attempts to pitch this as a gay movie, which seems an afterthought that should have been left at just a thought. Why, because anyone setting out to make a gay film could do better, way bettter and likely would do better. The director/writer also appears in this as an actor and doesn't lift the film in any way and should have probably stopped short of a complete vanity project. I would have rated this slightly higher were it not for the blatant pumped up reviews spouting rubbish analogies.

The blurb suggests a daliance between the main protagonist and a lad who is highly sexed apparently. Nothing happens, nothing but shared grief and realisation of loss. I heard it was shown at LGBTQ film festivals and to be frank, it's impossible to see why.

There is more physical contact between the main character and a cow than anyone else and that was a light petting in a shed. There is a hint at some attraction but it does smack of baiting an audience who might find Cosmo, who was great in Calm with Horses as a good choice to play a gay man, but he doesn't seem to think he is in this film and its probably best given the immaturity and bizarre writing attached to the other character: Certain written behaviors that don't make sense and wouldn't happen in real life, so they just come across as made up for effect rather than substance.

The lead actor, Cosmo is good, supporting cast is ok with moments, particularly efforts at crying which were bad, cringe. It would have been better to cut them out.

Overall, it's essentially about nothing much, even the beautiful scenery is not the best of what Donegal has to offer and they could have shown more. There are stunning vistas everywhere you turn in Donegal and the production wasted that in my view, settling instead for repetitive shots along roadways.
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