Black Adam (2022)
Good DC movie for a change
21 October 2022
I am happy as right now but I am not talking at all about the film I am talking about something else so there's going to be two sections there's going to be a film review section and there's going to be a storm spoiler section so you're going to want to stick around for the spoiler section because it is a victory no doubt but a Bittersweet one because if you look at the Expressions on my companion's faces that should kind of clue you in on Black Adam so Black Adam is getting blasted by critics right now I think the last I looked at it was 48 maybe oh it's got It's falling and we're falling now which is lower than Wonder Woman 84. Oh my God so well I just returned from the film and what do I think of it because I was like look I don't trust the Rotten Tomatoes okay never trust never trust a Rotten Tomatoes see the film for yourself I want to support Dwayne Johnson I want to support the future and so that's why I I don't feel bad about my ticket and buying their tickets and I also have a new round of tickets that I purchase I'm gonna go and see with Melissa and some I'm gonna go a few times so here's the thing though here is my opinion now realize if we hear the Angry Joe sure we are brutally honest no matter what happens and we tell it to you like it is Black Adam is an absolute mess it is it's not gonna make you feel any emotion in the scenes that it wants you to feel the emotion and it basically kind of falls into that same trap of every superhero film where it gets turns into a CGI Fest in the last act with an awful villain.

I will say that it does have non-stop actions so that can potentially please crowds right Mass going audiences however I was hoping for and I needed something a little more and that's because I love as you know I'm a DC fan I love Superman I love Batman Wonder Woman I love Black Adam and I think that something really amazing could have been done with this idea of Black Adam and being an anti-hero and really kind of a villain initially but that's not this is Black Adam is not an anti-hero he is he's complete he's completely and totally a hero in this film I don't know what happened I don't know if that's Dwayne Johnson's choice or the writers and directors which I apologize I'm gonna pull that up now as we're talking but I think that it feels like a film made by a committee or made by the studio it feels like a superhero film frankly from the 90s.

One thing I didn't expect going into Black Adam is a kid on a skateboard being a huge focus and skating around the streets of kandak and sort of rallying the 30 people in the city to fight in a massive CGI battle as he rallies people with sticks and stones while Black Adam you know is doing his thing I'm trying to stay away from spoilers right so that feels like a bad 90s action film in that sense and so I'll say I'm a little disappointed okay I'm a lot disappointed and all the best parts now Black Adam does kill p Adam when he's in action and honestly there are a ton of slow-moseople okay yes that I lovethe killing that's the good part okay so that those are the best parts of Black Adam.

You know how it feels like a lot of superhero movies they do that Trope where everything slows down and then they're trying to show up so yes they're there are a few shots in this film that are not perfect there's you know Black Adam is using his lightning powers on somebody's head you know choking somebody out they do a famous shot from the comic book covers from from his you know I don't want to say that either we'll talk about it in the spoilers but they get certain shots right unfortunately the film itself is not good I'm gonna kick it on over to you guys as I pull up who I think is responsible the writers and directors I have to know I looked it up I think the the writers are I think it said 40 chimpanzees three people oh okay Adam slick key Lyle Rory Haynes and show Rob Nash iravani got it I do not I'm not familiar with a lot of their work I'll look into it and the director was Collette Sarah weak plot is cheesy the emotion really didn't convey what they were trying to go for but with that being said it still had some pretty good CGI I like the fight scenes and it was better than I expected really yes okay I'm happy to hear that I didn't think I didn't think I was going in there with low expectations and I came out with it okay I went in with high expectations I don't know why eat well you saw the trailer I found I found what who the director is so the director lasted jungle cruise that makes sense right because he must have become friends with Dwayne Johnson on the last film Jungle Cruise but other than that he did a House of Wax orphan, non-stop Jungle Cruise the writer Alvin and the Chipmunks the road chip Diary of a Wimpy Kid the sequel the Long Haul Rampage oh that was a great one and Scuba what school the is this scoob Scooby-Doo school I think it was like a direct to it must have been HBO Max only thing anyways but it was surprised okay I didn't hate it you didn't hate it gotcha Adam or not Adam Alex I was thinking Adam Smasher oh how dare you he's big you're big right how dare you this is this is actually it felt like two movies and to be honest with you this this movie actually made me almost upset at Venom and Carnage based on how much violence there was in there because one of the problems I've had with it is it's a PG-13 anti-hero movie he's like it's not gonna be violent enough it's not gonna convey that this is plenty violent there's plenty of kills there's plenty of those things and so whoever was in charge of Venom and Carnage.

Now that we've seen that you can do it on PG-13 yes okay so back to this movie this is two movies the first half of this movie is setting something up that could potentially be interesting the violence is there they're sending some characters and the second half of this movie is absolute dog it doesn't make any sense like the firsthalf of the movie they're setting up a potential weakness that goes absolutely nowhere that's what I'm talking about it's such a mess it just like doesn't make any and then there's there's characters you're like I don't know if I like them maybe they develop them second half they don't develop anything no it doesn't go anywhere we have two characters that we spend no time we there's they're on screen a lot but they're not developed Smasher and Cyclone they are awful they're absolutely terrible and then a bad guy shows up at the very end and if we had just taken all of the Smasher andCyclone scenes and thrown them out and giving it to the bad guy and develop it to a point where it'd be more satisfying because what it felt like is the climax of this movie happens and immediately goes new bad guy and it's like it's the movie ends in five minutes what do you mean new bad guy I don't know what is his motivation what's gonna happen and he's in like you're like oh could it be a multi-faceted bad guy who you know he wants to rule this Kingdom but he's doing it in an evil way and then it's just all of a sudden he's just not pure evil and this movie is not very if you judge it based on whether how you feel leaving the theater people are gonna hate this movie yes I'm very very worried I I hope maybe the fans can lean on the action and stuff because this story is dog it's really about the characterization is is really bad there's no really to me although I love Dr Fame I think he's a really cool DC character and I actuallylike you know Pierce Brosnan in the role unfortunately the video game Injustice does a better job with Dr fadeand his powers and the way they look then this film does and the JSA in general feels unnecessarily injected in here and kind of takes away from it when I would have loved more characterization for Dwayne Johnson it feels like he's not given enough time it feels like maybe they're not confident enough in him and or something I'm sure they are he's a charismatic dude but there's less of that that Charisma here because they spend so much time with the JSA and the JSA just kind of is like Hey we're the JSA and nobody says anything I thought I was expecting a joke like justice league and they're like no we were before them you know something but it's like okay here we go JSA and Adam Smasher is like he's there and I don't even want to call him a character same thing with Cyclone Cyclones powers are even moreridiculous looking than what people made fun of the enchantress for and I like the enchantress so our powers are even more.

Cyclones Powers I mean it's terrible right so we got like Dollar Store Doctor Strange we got like whack Ruffalo who's over there and he because like they cast him he looks exactly like Mark Ruffalo but he's an imbecile and I hate him and then Harvey Birdman is like fine I guess but actually I did I did like Hawkman and like like if we just get rid of Pokemon I liked because this was so goddamn persistent that's the you want on your team you know what I mean even though he's not the best he's not very good at fighting he's got a lot of heart he's got a lot of heart in fact I don't think he lands one hit with this mace and if you know the power of the mace it's it's as if he hits you if he hits you with a mace it's as if he entire Earth hit you at once it has the power and strength of being hit with the wholeEarth at once but I don't think he ever lands a hit with it does he he does he does I don't know who he hits with it but didn't didn't seem like it mattered that much all right anyways so so much happens so it's the film is longer than I thought and so I was like oh this is like seven hours long I'm like wow this is gonna be awesome we're gonna have like a lot of you know character development character development and we get almost none so it's like I'm confused how did we do that with very little care so much happens so much is introduced and none of it is given any amount of time to breathe.
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