This controversial picture glorifies Tinsel Town's . . .
24 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . Snitch Culture, then running rampant primarily at Tom & Jerry's home film shack on Hollywood's infamous poverty row, known as the House of the Groaning Fat Cat. Notorious low-life's, such as Marion Mitchell "Insert-Family-Mutt's-Name-Here" Morrison and his buddy War Bonds would go riding their Hogs up and down the boulevards late at night with ball bats, clubbing anyone who struck them as being "fey," when they were not off blabbing to Congress about any grips, gaffers or parking guards they suspected of being right-minded. Directors Ford Tough, Frank Cap Off and Elastic Rubber Band, actors Charlatan Hash Pan, Ronnie Ray Gun, Ginger Snaps and her mom and critic Head of Lettuce rounded out the top ten on the Yellow List, more chicken of loyal patriotic normal average Union Label hard-working Real Americans than the bird in the refrigerator Tom nibbles on here. Fittingly, rodent Jerry the Mouse depicts the insidious rat fink tattle tale Pachyderm Party types during TOM'S PHOTO FINISH.
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