Why the overall score of 5?
30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So the reason why I watched the film was because the actor Cherie looked pretty familiar. I actually thought she was the actress from another movie called "sweetheart" that I enjoyed. However she looked familiar because she starred in Netflix Resident Evil show which turned out to be terrible as well. This movie left me with questions so I wrote down my commentary as it was playing.

So she really couldnt flush it down the toilet

She went skating which is risky on ur period when the only protect is the paper tusc. Would b scared n excuse myself or just b honest

1. Why didn't she just flush the tissue down the tiolet? She put it in her purse like its a big secret and men dont know or understand periods

2. Why was it necessary to put the word RUN on the screen when she was about to. It look silly and annoying.

3. TheMovie doesn't show any of the action, killing or when he transforms

4. When she took the girls phone from her bag is unrealistic because most phones have password.

5. She survives all encounters and come out alive while people who come into contact with her die. For example the random dog that came out of no where and saved her

5. She made a statement saying " theres no way im going back out there " . Did She forgot she have a daughter" who Ethan literally said he would raise as his own.

6. She was dress up like the karate kid and hardly did any besides head butting him.and throwing some rocks to break the screen light.

7. She was bleeding all over but she just threw her tampon in the highway and that was stronger then the smell coming from the other wounds.

This movie was disappointing but i watch to see how it would eat. Please do yourself a favor and skip it.
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