Example of modern society pushing children into the soul crushing socio-cultural illusions of biological sex instead of our genders.
10 November 2022
This film was very much instrumental in helping the society to realize how important it is for these children to go on hormones as early as possible to prevent the psychological and physical damage the wrong puberty does to the mind and body of a trans person.

People are waking up to what our conditioned society has been doing to those who didn't fit into their sick norms. If you're not heterosexual or cisgender, you're mentally ill, you're automatically pathologized. That's what this society has been doing for centuries, and it was also happening to women just for existing, they were considered sick and inferior species in our history. The same is now happening with transgender people by trying to erase their existence the same like patriarchal governments used to do in our history.

There's been a widespread propaganda in the west just like in WW2 Germany to indoctrinate trans children into being cisgender or just gender non-conforming, to erase the existence of these uniquely gifted beings, to make it seem like trans people don't exist, that there is no biological basis, the evidence has been there for years for anyone to see how long these people existed throughout the history and how exteremely important it is for them to start transition as early as possible. All human beings deserve to have dignity to live true to themselves. Hormonal transition is not something that should be done in adulthood if they wish to have a healthy good life, and this film makes that point even clearer, lives of old trans people who never transitioned due to social ostracization can also serve as a testimony of what our society does.

Quantum physics is illuminating that our world isn't so much particles as waves... and by definition waves have any number of expressions, translated as physical as well as emotional or social. Considering what we know in science about biological markers of sex that are often in conflict with each other within one body, no one can be defined fully as male or female by the body alone by excluding the brain, our self knowing. And even that self knowing identity can be often influenced by society and is not open to embody both masculine and feminine equally to the best capability their body allows. This is why both men and women have been oppressed for centuries, to the point when men have become afraid to express their vulnerability, as they would look less masculine to others, these labels have been artifficially imposed upon us ideologically and politically, to force us to fit into the society of predator/prey relationships and disconnect us from our unified authentic self expression, not as men or women, but very unique human beings in contrast to each other.

As for why for decades trans women have been treated as adult female humans, and sharing the spaces with their cis counterparts, because our gender identity has a biological basis, this is why transsexual males are in fact born biological females, and always have been seen as females throughout the history where gender played the most important role for its conscious sexual embodiment.

We need to make sure transgender people have their own sovereignty over their body and embody the gender they consciously experience. No one on earth can define or tell others what genders or sex they are, this is a deeply personal thing, because sex is in fact what we embody at a conscious level, it is not defined by a body part thats been compatmentalized and used against our own soveignty and sexual embodiment, against our rights, and our true self.

Let's also not forget that gender has a much longer history than biological sex and its reductive political ideology ever had, people have been using the ancient science of holistic observation of sex based on the presentation of it by people within the society. It was always gender/sexual embodiment that determined biological sex, not the microscopes and our reductionary sexist language. Modern scientism has played its role in indoctrination of human mind to start reducing human beings into definitions based on various compartmentalized body parts, completely ignorant that biological sex is the whole body, including the brain, the largest sex organ of the whole body.

This film very much resonated with me back in the early 2000's. I think this is by far the best film ever made about what it's like being transsexual, I use that old term to stress out the most extreme form of transgender condition, where the body needs to undergo change to alleciate distress. In an ideal world no transgender would need to go through so much self repression and harm, and transition before gender dysphoria did its own damage, which is often irreversible. As most trans people themselves reveal, the surgery and hormonal therapy is bringing mental health back in order, but once they start the journey of living as trans openly, the society makes life harder for them through discrimination and hatred, which can even accumulate to trauma over the years. So the real changes also need to happen within our society by gendering them based on the gender they cosnciously embody, by treating them as human beings, and in my eyes actual heroes and heroines for accomplishing what most people would not dare to do, and that is to take the pain and darkness they were born into, and let it transmute to a higher calling to live as their authentic self and help the humanity, and especially women to free themselves from oppressive unattainable beauty standards and social constructs of sex and sexism that's been designed to reduce our perception of humanity and sex into carnal material objectifications.

There is a difference between trying to fit into social beauty standards dictated by society, and trying to fit into the body to match our gender outside of any societal beauty standards. Most trans people are bringing empowerment to men and women to start to see what it is like to be our true selves outside of any norms of society, by realizing our uniqueness and beauty that is not cultural. And if there's any reason trans people usually try to fit into those standards, it is out of self preservation, otherwise it is an intimate personal battle of trying to align the mind with the body, not the society.

I think this is ultimately what this film is about, being our truest innocent selves, no matter what society says.

I need to state the obvious, queer people are truly helping this world to liberate itself from tyranny by transcending the illusions of materiality and honoring the spirit, a conscious experiential knowledge of I AM, which contains the sexual embodiment of masculine and feminine within the right immutable frequency pattern that seeks anchoring in the body. On the other hand, biological sex means a certain body part that has been compartMENTALIZED and used against our own sovereignty and embodiment, it was a socio-cultural and political construct from the beginning used as a reduction of the whole sexed body into that single definition while ignoring the whole body and self knowing of an individual, the brain, the largest sex organ of the body. Ancient cultures had multiple genders for this reason to honor that sovereignty of the spirit over the body, many wisdom teachers in their tribes knew there was something like sexual embodiment. Male bodied people shared spaces with female bodied people in their tribes if they shared the same gender.

This film is ultimately about freedom to be true to ourselves, which means the authority over our own body and gendered sexual embodiment.

Freedom, freedom!
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