Review of Q.E.D.

Q.E.D. (I) (1982)
Another excellent series that was never given a chance
12 November 2022
Q. E. D. Was a really groundbreaking series. Steampunk before anyone knew what steampunk was. Like other groundbreaking series, it was given short shrift.

It was the first time I saw Sam Waterston in the lead. I had seen him earlier in Capricorn One, and thought he was a good actor. But this proved he was a leading man. He had such presence, and it felt like he was having fun making the series. Later that year I saw him in Oppenheimer on PBS, and was totally blown away. Such versatility.

The supporting characters were great, especially George Innes and Julian Glover. Mr. Glover exudes such self-importance smugness, you just hate it. He does it very well.

This series is #1 on my top 20 list of shows that ended too soon. You can seen all 6 episodes on YouTube.
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