It has been found - hasn't it?
12 November 2022
No pun intended - and I assume you have seen the first movie! This is quite important, not just because I will talk about events from the first movie, but because this glues itself to the first "Lost Bullet" movie. I have to admit, I did not see the sequel coming and I reckon even though you could say this ends in a way that would not need another movie ... it also ends in a way that does suggest another movie. You will understand once you've seen it.

Of course if you've seen the first one and thought: not my cup of tea, I would assume you would know better than to watch the sequel and than rant about it. Just saying - while this is different from the first movie, it also has the same ingredients and in a way a similar formula.

The breakout scene in the first one (no pun intended here either), that took place in a police station, with amazing choreography, may not be entirely matched in this one - but it does have great action scenes too. Actually the very first one 10 or 15 minutes in, shows us where our "hero" is at the moment ... the fallout and the losses of the previous movie still hanging over his head.

Will he be able to have some sort of normal life? Well it would not be a movie if that would be entirely the case now would it? And to give us another action packed movie that means this has some phenomenal stunts (combat wise, shooting wise and car chase scene wise) ... some of the car chase scene footage could have done with some more speed, but those are minor things to note ... if even.

I love the mixture, I like our stoic hero and his engraved morals - even if they do get him into trouble from time to time. This does warrant another view and I would not mind to be back here in 2 years (or sooner) to write about the third part ... an action star is born? You decide - all I know is: you would like him if he gets angry! McGuyver car modifications included!
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