The Royal Nanny (2022 TV Movie)
Quite different and enjoyable
15 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have a lot of upside to report about this movie and only a little downside.

Let's start with the downside, since it won't take long. The writers stretch for a BIG story and there just wasn't room for it all in the 90 minutes or so of screen time these films run without commercials. The plot included (a) bad guy intrigue, (b) security service procedural elements, (c) a father who couldn't get home for Christmas, (d) the "undercover nanny" trying to fit in and win the loyalty of the children, (e) the romance with their royal uncle, (f) a Christmas charity drive, and (g) sage advice from the older "head of nannies".

They needed to drop at least a couple of those sub-plots and devote more time to (a), (d) and (e). With all the moving parts, I didn't feel the more important story elements got all the attention they needed to drive them home.

However, on the good side, the writers came up with a completely different idea than we've seen in these Hallmark Christmas films before with intrigue, and a kidnapping plot threatening children(!!), and actual kidnapping of their uncle when the nanny/operative saved the children.

They could have ramped up the tension more with a shootout instead of an umbrella rescue assault, but it wouldn't have been as amusing.

There were audible chuckles here and the leads worked well together. About the only cliche was the ubiquitous "interrupted kiss".

This movie doesn't have the warmth that's the frequent factor drawing us to repeat viewings, but I'm sure we'll watch it at least once more in the coming years.
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