Stutz (2022)
Some good perspectives in a very messy, quick format
15 November 2022
I went into the documentary expecting data based science and groundbreaking information and knowledge relating to mental health by a "leading psychiatrist". Not only was the information laid out too quickly making it hard to follow at times, the whole 1 hour and 30 felt super messy. The whole point of the project as said by Jonah was to make a film about Stutz, but they barely scratched the surface. We got nothing on his education or career, and while we did get some information on some terrible events in his life, it felt shallow. He didn't dig dip like I had hoped. The whole documentary oversimplified the extremely complex world of mental health and didn't dig deep into the why's, a question I consider of vital importance when talking about the brain. It did have some good points and a good message, but even the good points lacked data, the "why's". Other points were laid out in a confusing way and some of the tools didn't make much sense, like the "sun-world". You'd expect for a "leading psychiatrist" to understand the brain to a point were he knows how to lay things out in a clear way... He didn't touch at all on how the brain works and how trauma affects it, and instead gave band-aids to what could be deep mental issues requiring surgery (by surgeries I mean trauma-based therapies which dig deep into the subconscious). I feel like a lot of his points might help in the short term but might lead to complications in the long term. Felt very old-school and it felt like he lacked a lot of new information discovered over the past decade even I know about. If you watch this to learn about mental health you're way better off reading a book by top psychiatrists, or even watching free youtube videos for that matter.
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