17 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The plot: Indian terrorists want to assassinate the Nawob of Janipur by blowing up the Gundar train. (Not sure of the spelling, but nobody should care)

The hero: Jon Hall, 15 years and about 50 pounds after "The Hurricane." Hall plays the unluckiest diplomat ever to roam the face of the earth.

First, he checks into a hotel in India to meet a friend, who has been murdered.

Result: Interview with police chief Michael Fox.

Next, while boarding a train, his bag is switched, and he is nabbed for drug possession.

Result: Interview with police chief Michael Fox.

Next, the friend (Douglas Kennedy) who supposedly was murdered shows up in Hall's hotel room. After a brief discussion of the film's plot, they end up in a fistfight. Somebody throws a knife through an open window and bumps off Kennedy, but not before he says something about a "lame man." (Perhaps he was referring to the producer, Sam Katzman.) Result: Hall goes on the lam.

He wanders into a bar, where he is set up by some babe.

Result: He gets mugged.

The dame takes pity on him and nurses him back to health. The police show up and she conks one of them on the head. Hall escapes and commandeers a plane. He has to parachute out when the fuel runs out. He gets picked up by another dame who is driving by. He convinces her to help him get through a checkpoint.

Result: She turns him in.

He escapes again. Mind you, he accomplishes all this while wearing the same suit, which unfortunately cannot disguise his enlarged buttockal area.
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