Review of Chouquette

Chouquette (2017)
Sensitive understanding of inter generational relationships.
24 November 2022
As an elderly english lover of french film, culture, and landscape, this film was so inspiring. I was seeking the film locations, which were somewhere in Brittany and came to this site for information. This year, 3 of my french musical connections have died, and was feeling despondent, but this film totally lifted my spirits and I have resolved to return next year. The film is full of subtle twists and for me as I had to partly rely on subtitles, therefor I am sure missing some of the dialogue clues as the plot developed. The characters are are wonderfully caste, and although the third of the 4 generations is only present as a telephone answer machine the relationships are cleverly developed. The scenery and filming is beautiful. It is great to have a film which is unpredictable and not dumbed down. Thanks to all concerned in the production, off to watch it again on a bigger screen. Up there with portrait of a lady on fire .IMHO.
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