enjoyed it! better than expected. (minor spoilers)
6 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this better than i thought i was going to. Uni student "doc" comes across go-go boy "go" on a dating/sexting web site, and is now obsessed with him. They meet at go's workplace, a hot bar in nyc. We know that this is all a trick to spend time with the dancer, but go does not. At first. Good stuff. Some interesting ideas presented; discussion of now that the lgbtqia community is gaining the rights others have, they are losing their uniqueness, and radical spirit. This was made ten years ago, but it still totally holds up. Go has some real words of wisdom, for a go-go boy dancer. He's worldly in many ways that doc is not...he knows warhol, and the art world. And is an accomplished painter. Even makes his own clothes. It's got some minor flaws...a very very long kissing scene. I think that go's reactions sometimes weren't realistic; most people would have been much more upset when they had the blowup about an hour in. A script issue, or was go really that low key? Maybe go had more feelings for doc than he let on. And when doc has online sex with the social media group, he acts like he knows go isn't watching... but i'd guess that go was watching or reading his blog. And very aware. He totally let doc off the hook at the end, when doc was judging him, and trying to "save" him. Go was happy, and certainly didn't need saving. Doc never gave go a chance to respond. Was the name "doc" a reference to trying to heal go ? Or is it just short for documentary? It's mostly very good, but the writer lets doc be selfish, and doesn't give go a chance to say his piece. Some weirdness when doc is dumping go... the mouths don't match what we're hearing. But i enjoyed it. I was upset when i saw all the video files being trashed. Doc had his documentary just about completed, and ended up deleting it, apparently out of anger at seeing go with another guy. Doc had gottten what he wanted, and then bailed without a fair discussion. I guess that's the irony of his own beliefs. Written and directed by cory krueckeberg. And it won a bunch of film fest awards.
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