Not For This World
16 December 2022
Cheval said he was not for this world. But the world he lived in, his own world, energised by his love and awe of nature, moved him to share what was inside him. He affected everyone he met. He was authentic. He didn't waste words or energy. He was focused and wouldn't be told he couldn't do something he really wanted to do. Some couldn't understand how an uneducated man could have such deep knowledge of architecture and building techniques. But those who were close to him, accepted him as he was. Shy, humble and brilliant. What a wonderful example he is for us all. Motivated by love, giving something of himself, as a beautiful legacy for many years to come. Cheval inspires the idea that we can all do the same. Share something beautiful and unique. He said he had to be stubborn. I'd rather call it patience. One of my all time favourites.
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