Review of Whitewash

Whitewash (I) (2013)
10 January 2023
I'm sure i am in a minority but this is one of my fave films. I've watched it countless times. Every scene oozes skill and perfection. Thomas Haden Church shines as the hapless and clueless Bruce Landry, a man struggling with the slowly emerging sadness of a life destroyed by recent events. He meets Paul Blackburn, small time gambler, thief and chancer and offers him a lifeline when he is attempting suicide. This chance meeting results in tragedy and causes Bruce to have to hide out in the harsh freezing, Canadian widerness while he thinks over his life, recent events and contemplates his future. What makes this movie brilliant is the way the characters are fleshed out so totally with the absolute minimum of information or dialogue. So naive and innocent in his potrayal, Thomas Church really brings home in a sometimes comical fashion just how absolutely luckless his character is. Life really has kicked him in the teeth and it comes out in an oustandingly subtle and immaculately acted way. I recommend this film, but do be prepared for a slow burner of a black comedy. No guns, car chases or relentless blood letting to be seen here.
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