House Party (I) (2023)
One word to describe this movie is 'horrible.'
18 January 2023
I don't know what I just watched, but the beginning of this movie was unamusing due to all the jokes flopping; I felt a bit of secondhand embarrassment. Unfortunately, Damon " Tosin Cole," one of the protagonists, leads the charge of bad jokes by being so forceful and not relatable.

Is it getting awkward in here?

The movie could have developed a sense of a plot; as a viewer, you know it is about a house party, but where is the substance? It is as if they spent all their money on one-liner cameos. It felt like they just through a whole bunch of things together. Therefore, it was clunky and didn't make sense, and this doesn't even consider the weird climax twist with Kid Cudi and the Illuminati; what was that about?

Is this House Party or a medieval special?

Lebron was happy to say the "N" word on camera.

The movie tried to incorporate aspects from the original House Party and pay homage to 90's films while incorporating current Instagram comedians. But it didn't work or feel meaningful; this is garbage.

Ultimately this was a waste of a movie theater trip. I will never watch this movie again. I laughed more at how awkward it was compared to the actual jokes. House Party felt like a tv special movie with some big names attached to it. This was the actor's first time trying to do a comedy special.

Grade: F.
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