Crude, fun and a storm in a glass of water
30 January 2023
A fun variety show for when you need your crude humor to come out. Another great and fun show from Ørkenens sønner this time water themed! I will agree up front, some night this show won´t get a single laugh out of me, and other times I laugh all the way throughout. You really need to be in that mood where cheesy, dumb, and sexual jokes work on you, otherwise don´t watch this. But there is enough variety to make you laugh at something at some time.

Ørnenes Sønner puts together a variety show this time with the theme of the sea.

I love the energy and teamwork the 4 performers bring to the stage. They really can sell their jokes and wants nothing more than to make you laugh. Even when they know the joke isn't funny they'll try to sell it with a voice or a face. I also love the chemistry between them, not only can they really dick off each other but also make each other laugh. It´s great. They also have great sinning voices and they harmonize so well.

This is just throwing things on the wall and hope they stick. Maybe it´s parodies, short films, magic, puns, dance. These guys will do anything to make you react, so if something doesn't land with you, something else probably will. I´ve always seen these guys and provocateurs on many levels but when they make something it´s a parody of the fine theater all together. Dance becomes ugly and bad, history becomes dumb, actors laugh, it´s all about making dick jokes, it´s a commentary of the fine arts by taking it down a notch. Everything has this improvisational tone, where actors make each other laugh and things can go wrong and that´s okay, in contrast to the fine and coordinated theater.

The jokes here are really dumb and it´s mostly dad puns and sexual humor. If you never laugh at that, then you´ll get nothing out of this. The show is also not politically correct in any way. People in costumes representing cultures and ethnicities they are not, actual pornography shown, you name it. If you are someone who finds this really bad, I would not recommend this.

I find this show one of their best. They speedfire through so many ideas and jokes so you´ll be entertained no matter what. As mentioned, this is a show that can make me laugh but also not at all, all depending on my mood so calling it good is maybe not something I would go as far and say. But if you need some crude entertainment and some easy puns, definitely watch this.
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