Birth of a Baby
1 February 2023
Local D. A. desperately wants to be a father. Problem is, his wife has figured out children are completely unnecessary. The couple are childless. One day the D. A. sees a very, um, white patient faint in the street and later die in the local abortion doctor's office so he puts the doctor on trial for manslaughter and gets a conviction (a foregone conclusion in those days). Only afterward does he bother to look at the doctor's log books, where he sees his wife - and all her well-to-do friends - had punched more than one hole in her Pay For 5 Abortions, Get 1 Free card.

Realizing what an unwitting hypocrite he's been, D. A. confronts his wife and her friends. But the D. A. and his wife remain childless. At most, they can only imagine the family they might have raised.

That pro-life theme is about 85 per cent of the movie. It's all earnestly over-acted and ham-fisted. About as subtle as a Michael Moore movie.

The same pro-life D. A. also prosecutes some guy for spreading birth control information. D. A. Believes in big families, so it's logically consistent that he doesn't want abortion or birth control getting in the way of that. Of course today we know that giving women access to birth control, clean water and antibiotics raises life expectancy from ''short, poor and unhappy" to ''roughly 81." Wasn't so clear-cut back then, when birth control was a no-no (and mystifyingly still is for superstitious weirdos in some parts of the world).

The subversive part (well, for today's audiences) of the birth control guy's trial is his reliance on some book about eugenics. For you kids out there, eugenics was early-1900s ''scientism" under the guise of knowing what was best for the huddled masses. The basic idea was that the poorz, ethnics (mostly bl3ks) and ''mental defectives" (to use the repulsive term of the time) were to be encouraged to NOT breed, and if they did (accidentally or immorally, in this movie's terms) they should be able to access abortion. That was the motivation behind Margaret Sanger (funded by Bill Gates Sr) and her Planned Parenthood slaughterhouses. Progressives wanted to keep the world clean, safe and mostly empty for rich white people.

These days, the 99% are asked for forego meat, gasoline-powered vehicles and home heating oil AND have unhindered access to abortion, all in the name of saving the planet. Today's Progressives don't really care about color. As long as the 99 percenters get picked off, leaving more for the Davos crowd. It's a straight line from A to B.

In that way, this movie is at least as insidious as Birth of a Nation. I wouldn't be surprised if racist war-monger and Democrat President Woodrow Wilson showed the two movies as a double bill to his Kay-kay-Kay guests in the White House.
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