Review of Powder

Powder (1995)
Yep, it's manipulative, and has been done before, but it's one that will make you cry if it doesn't annoy you.
14 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Getting past the scandalous situations considering it's director, this tearjerker may not be rather original, but it's certainly worth a watch if not praise. Sean Patrick Flanery is the title character, a teenager born with pigmentation that kept him housebound for years, and when he ends up going to a nearby boy's school, he of course is immediately bullied, but that only brings out some supernatural powers that he has, a variation of Frankenstein's monster and Edward Scissorhands, yet a completely natural creation from birth rather than mad scientist. With the aide of social workers Mary Steenburgen and Jeff Goldblum, Flanery is able to adjust to life out in the world, even capturing the attention of sweet fellow student Melissa Lahlitah Crider, someone with an equally pure soul who sees Flanery for his beautiful character and innocent soul, someone who is able to make others feel the pain around them, particularly a hunter who shoots a deer and gets to feel what it's going through as it dies. That scene is truly heartbreaking, as is a reunion scene between another man touched by Flanery's soul, unable to let go of the love of his comatose wife that results in a very haunting scene.

Complicated in many ways and a bit depressing, this is a commentary on the judgments of society on things that they don't understand, dealing with high school age kids and adults. Flanery's character can see into the minds of everyone whom he comes into contact with, making the bully who harasses him briefly break down in tears by revealing his past, and that leads to a very harsh scene of humiliation that shows his supernatural powers leading to his vengeance by showing he has what it takes to handle his enemies. The film takes on some very weird twists as it heads towards a dark conclusion, and while it is definitely captivating, it becomes very clear that this will not go into the directions that the viewer expects it to. Because of that, individual viewers will definitely have mixed feelings about it with some absolutely captivated throughout and loving it while others will find it ridiculous and filled with absurdities. Sincere performances, with Flanery, Steenburgen and Goldblum absolutely amazing, and Lance Henriksen quite wonderful as the sheriff whose life completely changes as a result of meeting powder, AKA Jeremy.. The film could have been a lot more powerful had to tried not to overwhelm the audience with emotion, demonstrated by it's very over the top musical score. The ending has elements that will have some audience members rolling their eyes while others are sobbing uncontrollably. I found I was somewhere in between so did really didn't have much of an impact on me as it wrapped up.
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