Pampered traveler
2 March 2023
Nothing new here: there are many traveling shows like "The reluctant traveler".

The travel show with Karl Pilkington, called "An idiot abroad", is by far funnier. It has a tiny budget too, since Karl stayed at hostels, rather than the world's posh hotels like Eugene Levy did.

For a couple of episodes I found Eugene's reluctant traveler character entertaining enough, but his monologue is REPETITIVE. He can appear to be reluctant only so much when he stays in the world's most expensive hotels ($10,000USD/night!), eats food prepared by top-notch chefs, and participate in luxurious activities where he's the only guest.

The photography is absolutely stunning, and I could watch places where I know I'll never afford to go, such as the private, tiny island in the Maldives.

As an avid traveler myself, I can tell you that almost every destination in the world is overcrowded nowadays.

In order to avoid the mobs, rich people travel like Eugene Levy in this series: by helicopter, private plane, or luxury car, to isolated resorts, and private islands. That's not something most of us can afford to do, and it's ridiculous on the part of Eugene Levy to act as if it's a chore.
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