J.R. && a lost cause
6 March 2023
Despite of famous actors, it is a non-starter. First and foremost, Lauren Bacall has never been an actress; except of on the side of Humphrey Bogart in 'Have and have not'. She's not convincing here, as women to fall in love with at first sight.

Also, the plot is similarly predictable and wooden; maybe except of the last quarter of an hour.

Unfortunately, I'd say, though, because the underlying plot is great groundwork, and I can imagine a dozen of script writers and directors to use the time for better: development. Not static personalities like in this movies. So the plot rather drags along, and carries the actors with it.

Even Rock Hudson comes across with inhibitions. Who actually curtailed him? Dorothy Malone is unexpectedly shallow and not always convincing as the one in constant love with Mitch. Worst scene is the one down on the river side for her. Though in court, she managed to rise above mediocrity.

My usual way of recommendation: If it so happens to be run, watch it. If you have to take a detour, skip it.
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