Hogwarts Legacy (2023 Video Game)
I solemnly swear this game is so good
8 March 2023
After 60 hours of Gameplay, I have completed Main story and 90% of all side activities.

World Building & Graphics - Hogwarts is as spectacular as it is in movie, they have worked really hard on the finetuning the minor details which I absolutely appreciated.

Outside world is also well done it ain't AC Franchise good but still it's nice so Overall I give the World built a 8/10

Main story and protagonist (voice acting) - Sadly it is Mediocre, I felt some side quests had better story, than main one but gotta admit it's beautifully rendered and cinematic; almost as good as HP movies. Supporting characters are exceptional and will remain with you for a while but the same is not the case of Protagonist, poorly written dialogues and under utilized a forgettable hero (maybe that's the point). So Overall Story and characters I give a 7/10.

Side quests & Activities - Lot of amazing side quests with truly exceptional and touching stories. But it had these certain repetitive and un-skippable cut scenes and dialogues which may get on your nerve at times. So 9/10

Gameplay & Combat - Personally I encountered next to zero bugs during my 60 hour gameplay in PC, Well refined combat mode and Flight is just amazing, never knew a broom can be this fun to ride. Spell casting, general world interaction everything were great. I'll give 10/10

The Magic Element - Its here, its there its eveeerryywhere, truly exceptional, I just wish there were more content to play cant get over Hogwarts truly worth the wait - 10/10.

Overall I would wholeheartedly recommend this to everyone, its' Magical!!!

Final Score - 9/10

Mischief Managed...
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