House Party (I) (2023)
Is this a reboot of House Party or Friday?
10 March 2023
I couldn't decide if this movie wanted to be House Party or a reboot of Friday. One thing I was sure of, is that it was definitely neither. It lacked the wit, charm, and humor of both.

The original House Party was about two teens in an urban community, from blue collar families, throwing a house party when a friend's parents go out of time. Hijinks ensues when 3 high school bullies spend the night pursuing the main character, thus neatly keeping him from making it to the party. It was fun. There was the unmistakable innocence of being young. Just normal teens doing what kids do. The kids also had talent (dancing, rapping). The original movie was magical.

The new House party not only lacks the charm of the original, but also lacks dignity. The actors in the roles are okay for what they had to work with. It's the directing and the writing that was abysmal. I found the slang and characters to be completely obnoxious but also unrelateable. There was no joy in the story, just mindless vapidness and swearing. We are living in an era where there's just not enough talent coming out of today's generation, and that lack talent was on full display in this movie, especially when you compare it to the original 1990 release. Kid and play danced and rapped. The ladies were clearly talented enough to hold their own on the dance floor. This new house party had nothing to offer but a bunch of young people spewing flat unrelateable jokes. For a generation that has wasted its prime years online, it almost feels like they dont know what do with themselves in the real world or how to create something other than a meme. They dont know how to be interesting, charming, or likeable. I made it halfway through and then I was done. Makes me wonder if the filmmakers even watched the original.
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