Gotham 'Yikes'
15 March 2023
This review is going to be a bit of a mess - much like this show.

It's not good. The acting is lacklustre. The tone is all over the place. The story could be intriguing but gets bogged down in teeny-bopper melodrama, as my dad would say.

I don't want to include spoilers because if you want to watch this show, you should go in with no expectations. Seriously, don't have ANY expectations with this show.

I LOVE DC properties but this show just ain't it. The main character was created for the show; which, sometimes works, like Chloe in 'Smallville' but it seems bonkers to do it for your main protagonist, because the pilot does little to make you care about him.

The diversity in characters and actors is great, I just don't know if that will make up for terrible writing and bland delivery.

It shouldn't go past it's first season.
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