19 March 2023
I really don't get the negative comments. I never read the original book and I can understand it "being not as good as the book"(as usual for almost all adaptations), but to call this movie trash because it's different from the book? I haven't seen such great movies in a while. It really felt like a return to formula for those good old 2D animated movies, with heart and emotion.

Animation: While not quite being on the level of animated Disney classics, it's still pretty good. The animation quality especially shines in the second half of the movie, where the creators put their heart and soul into it, and you can feel it. The human and animal characters, the supernatural effects, the flights through the clouds - everything is done beautifully.

Characters: Great job here as well, both the main character and the dragon. And both are explored deeper and excellently fleshed out by the end of the movie. The antagonists are also quite well done, as you can easily understand the motivation of any of them. Every character is either likeable or their motives are clear and often appealing, which is a sign of good writing(surely taken from the books, but at least decently adapted). The interaction between the boy and the dragon are touching to say the least, and as a writer, I was incredibly inspired by it. You don't get that from badly done movies.

Music: Oh my gosh... it was beautiful. Great songs, great score, whoever worked on it did an excellent job. Like everything else, it feels like the creators really put their heart, soul and hard work into the movie.

Overall - I loved it. Despite the disappointing ending(which I won't spoil here) it's a fantastic movie, where every scene shows love and care for it. Judging by other reviews, it's not well-adapted, but as a movie on its own, it's a masterpiece. Highly recommended. Easily goes to my collection.
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