The Conference (2022 TV Movie)
The Conference - A Remarkably Extreme Outcome foe an 85min Meeting
26 March 2023
This might be a difficult watch for some but is an essential one. If it were not for the Americans liberating Adolf Eichmann's minutes and notes on this almost unbelievable historic conference, we would be only guessing at how this horrific 'event' was perpetuated, drawn up, and executed. The number of handpicked top-ranking officers, along with high-profile bureaucrats (for the areas involved) assembled for this 'conference' highlights the depth, commitment, and power of Nazi propaganda amongst those so indoctrinated.

That these personnel could collectively attend a meeting to discuss and plan one of the world's largest mass murders - in an idyllic and luxurious location, as if simply planning a sales schedule for a popular breakfast product is alarming in the extreme, and frightening to contemplate.

All performances are first class with brilliant direction and cinematography, making this an above-average experience. It's quite a feat for a movie that plays out in real time, and in the locations it took place, making this a brave and honest German production, made on the 80th anniversary of the shocking Wannsee conference.

While it's almost confined to the rooms these plans were drawn up and approved (like the classic "12 Angry Men") it always holds your attention, never waning for an instant. May it be that as humans, we have progressed and learned to ask more questions and bravely fight back - if not, the victims have paid the ultimate price, and others will tragically do so again.
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