Sweet Hostage (1975 TV Movie)
I saw this many years ago
27 March 2023
I love it so much because the house that Linda Blair grew up in the movie is my great grandpa's house. My grandma and grandpa lived next door. I watched as they filmed the movie. It's so much fun to watch because I was actually there. I visited there so much every other year. My mom grew up in the house next door. It brings back memories seeing the dirt road she drives down and the town that my mom grew up in. My cousins and aunt still live in that town also a couple of my uncles. I remember when they were filming the movie I Saw Linda Blair sitting outside of the house of my great grandpa, she was looking down at her nails. They had twirled the chicken in the air to make it dizzy. To look as if the snake but the chicken. It belonged to my great grandpa that we called papa Levi. They only paid them $200 a day to use their house. Also when she was driving the red truck down the hill. Martin sheen was hiding on the floor of the passenger side. I guess to meet her at the bottom to kidnap her.
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