Review of Sexpot

Sexpot (1990)
Unfunny remake
28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My review was written in November 1988 after watching the film on Academy video cassette.

Filmmaker Chuck Vincent repeats himself with "Sexpot", a trite sex comedy based on his 1974 Kim Pope-starrer "Mrs. Barrington", which still plays occasionally on cable tv. Laughs seem forced this time around.

Ruth Collins adopts a convincing Marily Monroe breathy voice and look as 8-times-widowed Ivy Barrington, a specialist in the art of marrying rich old guys and bumping them off in what appear to be accidents. Her foes are the three disinherited daughters (Jane Hamilton, Jennifer Delora, Christina Veronica) of one of her victims.

Pic retains a Brechtian device of the original, whereby various characters speak directly to the viewer in lengthy asides: Collins, to explain her behavior; her black companion/servant Joyce Lyons telling us about a screenplay she's writing; and butler Frank Stewart, an aspiring actor. Goonish humor involving monosyllabic Gorilla (played by Scott Bergold) falls flat.

Collins displays some comedy talent while Vincent's favorite actress, Jane Hamilton, has fun with the Bryn Mawr accent. Unfortunately, the consistent overpaying gets to be a drag. Ironic black humor in the final reel is unsuccessful.
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