As Star Wars Rip-Offs go, it's well produced.
5 April 2023
The animation for Starchaser is crisp, lively and full of those 80s-vibes like the kind you get from He-Man and Heavy Metal in a blender, and the characters are such obvious stand-ins for the characters from The Original Star Wars Trilogy it makes you wonder how the heck George Lucas didn't sue the filmmakers into oblivion for the screenplay's almost carbon-copying the plot of the first movie.

Starchaser is mid-80s eye candy that has one of the most derivative stories ever committed to film, but it does have an interesting world it barely gets time to explore and tap into properly. It truly is a time-capsule film that was riding the Star Wars gravy train all the way, without trying to associate itself directly with the films.

The film's derivative fun that emphasises spectacle and action over things like deep plot or thought-provoking character development. For what it is, it's not the worst offender of knock-off cinema; leave that stuff to The Asylum or other production companies. With that said, it's also fair to say that the high-quality animation deserved a deeper story.

Starchaser gets 3/5 stars.
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