Submission (2016)
Looking for a bit more kink in your soft core?
6 April 2023
Looking for a bit more kink in your soft core? Well, here it is.

While there is regular softcore straight sex, the whole point of this series was to get into some BDSM content and ride the 50 Shades wave.

They have a couple of surprising relationship twists, but mainly a woman coming off the breakup of an unsatisfying relationship with a bad boyfriend moves in with a friend in a small town ... needing a job.

She finds a book called "Slave" in the house, and though she denies it to her friend and housemate, it turns her on in a big way.

THEN, she discovers the male author of the book lives in town and is in the social circle. Have some patience. It takes into episode four before those two "get together", but it's worth the wait.
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