Review of Bias

Law & Order: Bias (2023)
Season 22, Episode 17
Law & Order's 'Bias' Episode Falters with Unconvincing Portrayal of Justice System, Wasted Potential
12 April 2023
Bias is a disappointing episode of Law & Order that fails to deliver a satisfying resolution to a complex case. The episode revolves around the murder of a public defender who was involved in a controversial trial with Executive ADA Nolan Price. The prime suspect is a judge who had an affair with the victim and a history of stalking and violence against women. However, Price's personal connection to the case and his clash with another judge who is friends with the defendant undermine his credibility and put the prosecution in jeopardy.

The episode tries to explore the theme of bias and how it affects the justice system, but it does so in a superficial and unrealistic way. The judges are portrayed as one-dimensional villains who abuse their power and ignore the evidence, while Price is shown as a righteous crusader who is blinded by his own prejudices. The twist that Price is accused of being the real killer is absurd and implausible, and the way he manages to clear his name and convict the judge is too convenient and contrived.

The episode also wastes the potential of Sam Waterston's return as DA Jack McCoy, who has little to do except give some moral support to Price and make a few speeches. The episode could have used more of his insight and experience to balance out Price's impulsiveness and arrogance. The episode also neglects the detective side of the story, as Cosgrove and Shaw are reduced to mere sidekicks who follow Price's lead without much questioning or input.

Bias is an episode that tries to tackle a serious and relevant issue, but it does so in a clumsy and unconvincing way. It lacks the nuance, realism, and suspense that made Law & Order a classic show. It is a missed opportunity to showcase the talents of the cast and the writers, and to engage the viewers with a compelling and thought-provoking story.
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