Review of The Accursed

The Accursed (2022)
Quite lame even for a low-budgie.
13 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first 15-20 minutes are semi-promising (despite Foster hamming it up as a witch), especially for a low-budget cheapie such as this. But then the inevitable happens and this crap starts rapidly deteriorating. First by the plot slowing down to a crawl almost, for quite a while, and then by it becoming rather idiotic in the last 20 minutes. This especially goes for that "musical number" which is one of the sillier end-twists I'd come across in recent years. A scene that belongs in "Scary Movie". Suvari must be desperate for roles...

I didn't know that when a person gets a bottle smashed against their head, they immediately get up. Invincible villains has always been one of my biggest pet-peeves from the numerous film cliches. You wanna make the antagonist impervious to pain and injury? Fine, but first give them supernatural powers. Humans need to behave and react like humans, frcrissakes.

Chaos reigns during the last third, both in terms of plot and direction. The whole things becomes strangely disjointed, with characters saying dumb things and behaving not quite logically. The dialog is clunky, the soundtrack weak, the tempo lame, the editing seems to be mishandled by someone not quite up to the task. The make-up is rubbish.

What a load of boring, dumb crap.
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