Night Court (1932)
A drama more thrilling than a thriller and more horrific than a horror film
13 April 2023
You will watch this with increasing horror as the lives of a poor, lovely couple is destroyed by the selfish actions of Walter Huston's corrupt judge. You can literally feel the ground being pulled away from beneath their feet as their world is inexplicably obliterated - they have no idea what is happening to them. You can't believe this is happening - it's terrible and it feels so real.

Walter Huston's character is one of the most despicable people you will ever have seen. He's not evil; he doesn't kill people, he doesn't even carry a gun. Neither is he a vampire or even a psychopath but he is more terrifying than any gangster or Universal monster or even the Devil from THE EXORCIST. He is terrifying because he is just so normal. He's nothing more than a selfish ordinary man who just happens to be in a position of power and is able to ruin people's lives. Why this film is so shocking and scary is because you can believe that what happens to these poor unfortunates who's lives he casually ruins, could happen to you. It's not an easy watch but you cannot look away.

Phillips Holmes who plays one of the simple, naïve victims was never the greatest actor and in this he certainly doesn't disprove that poor reputation. Similarly, Anita Page never really made it to the top rank of actresses and although she's OK in this, it is hardly an Oscar winning performance. It's possibly those unpolished performances however which adds to the realism which is so perfectly conveyed.

This film is so natural, believable and realistic but on paper it shouldn't be. If you think about it, the story has so many Grand Canyon sized holes in it that it should have no credibility whatsoever. You are however so completely pulled in to this shocking story and so completely engrossed when you're watching this, it's the most realistic thing you'll ever see! Walter Huston as usual delivers a totally mesmerising performance but what makes this picture so absolutely riveting besides the story is the energetic direction. Action man, Woody Van Dyke brilliantly builds the energy so that each scene seems to have twice as much tension and emotion as the previous one. Despite his reputation for speed, he certainly doesn't rush this and there is plenty of time for reflection to get to know the characters. It's a remarkably good film.
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