All Summer Long (2019 TV Movie)
Abandon ship!
16 April 2023
7.0 stars.

There is so much to say, but it's not worth the time and effort to say it. This review is for my own benefit alone, so that I don't accidentally re-watch 'All Summer Long' in the next five years. Beyond five years, I might give it another go.

All aboard, it's Captain Reeser in command of a booz cruise in San Francisco. If you've read any other reviews, you may stumble on the ones that say this is obviously not filmed in San Francisco Bay. Again, we have a filmed in Canada situation, which is why Hallmark needs to have a movie that is, hmmmm, I don't know, based in Canada! Give Canadians a chance to actually star in a film centered on their country. Maybe go to Whistler or something.

This film starts off displaying a particular classical type of vintage boat and then we could be seeing a totally different model when they are sailing. I'm not certain, so I'll leave it at that.

I love Reeser. If you've read my other reviews, you know she's one of my top ten Hallmark ladies. This is one of her worst, but no fault of her own. Mr. Elliot's role was akin to many, a bit humorous, a bit self-deprecating, on par for most of his performances. I wasn't disappointed in either of the leads, they gave interpretations of two opposite personalities squirming their way back into good graces, and eventually falling back into love. It was a valiant effort at good romance, but the director sank this vessel.

In the end I felt many good vibes coming from Reeser and Elliot, because they had great conversations, and good chemistry in spite of the wayward script. They did their best to make this work and I applaud their attempts to elevate it in spite of the disorganized production staff.
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