Great clips, Disrespectful of Ms. Crawford
19 April 2023
Joan Crawford was a phenomenon, a brilliant actress and a true movie STAR. She was also a strong character, and strong characters have both fans and foes. She had both.

I love that she did things her way. As one of the guests said, "She wouldn't be directed." She didn't NEED to be directed, she had great instincts.

The info re: her movies and the clips were fun to watch, but it is almost as though the producers were looking to produce a hatchet piece.

Considering what a major movie star and fine actress she was, I was disappointed that her resentful daughter got so much air time to voice allegations that could not be proven or disproven. Some of the stories the men told were better left untold - if they were true, also. Joan deserved better than unsubstantiated rumors treated as fact.

TCM blew it on this one, as far as I am concerned.
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