The Secrets of Isis (1975–1976)
Unreal cavalcade of unintentional humor
21 April 2023
Where's Andrea?!? At the end of every episode, they go through this charade when Andrea shows up "late" and everybody goes: You shoulda seen it! Isis was here! I don't know how much more obvious it could be that Andrea and Isis are the same person. Both even have these distinctive cowlicks next to her ears (I'm sure there's a term for this hairstyle, I'm just not hip enough to know it). Actually, I'm not into superheroes, but I'm sure this is a trope.

This "children's" show is a riot. First of all, there's Rick, her co-worker, and you can cut the sexual tension between the two of them with a knife. There are two episodes in the middle of this series where Rick ALMOST figures out Andrea's secret (with some distinct nudging from her), and then that is promptly dropped and Rick remains clueless for the rest of the series. In one episode, he professes he has the hots for Isis... to Andrea! Sheesh.

70's sexism and racism is alive and well in this series! And every grade-A dope on the show (almost always a guy) turns out to be the sweetest person by the end of the episode. The music in the first season borrows heavily from 70's porn, and the second season they introduce a horror movie-like soundtrack! Isis wears a real short skirt, and you do occasionally get glimpses of some of Isis' super-undies. The high school students at her school seem well into their 30's, and I spotted at least a few "kids" with male pattern baldness.

One of my favorite moments from the series is when Andrea summons the powers of Isis, to rescue some dirty dishes from a creek. In another episode, her red Camaro is stolen by a couple thugs, and re-painted yellow at a chop shop/junkyard to be sold! It was a great running gag that her car remained yellow for the rest of the series. Yeah, plenty of incompetent criminals presented here. The "class clown" kid was a borderline-terrorist in-training. Oh, and Andrea's force field is stolen, that everybody "plays" against, like mimes! Just when I don't think this show can possibly out-cheese itself, it goes and does it again. The season 2 opener (at least I'm assuming -- They ditched the Asian girl, and Isis had a new wig) REALLY took the cake. There's a kid who hilariously plays "blind" the whole episode, and we're shown further proof the makers of this series should be brought up on animal abuse charges. There are instances where they use insanely fake animals (like out of an old B-monster movie), which is seemingly a blessing in disguise considering how they treated that poor raccoon and the horses.

Apparently, there was a craving for MORE Isis. She went from appearing once per episode, to twice, and in some instances, three times! And that never got tiring. It only added to the comedic value this show is so rich in. Terrifically entertaining.

Extras: After watching the extras/interviews included with this set, I am convinced everyone involved gave The Secrets of Isis their sincerest efforts. Well, there is one writer who has a lighter (and more appropriate) attitude toward what they accomplished with the series. If your enjoyment comes from "nostalgic" value, you're biased. Hey, take it as you may...
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